Sunday, October 14, 2012

Keep Ourselves Safe Videos

We created videos using Puppet Pals with Mrs Prescott on the iPads talking about the learning we did with Keep Ourselves Safe.  Here are our videos.  Enjoy.
Do you know any other rules for keeping ourselves safe that you would like to share?


  1. Hi room 9

    I like the way you guys thought about all the things to keep your self safe.

    How did you guys do the puppets?
    How did you come up with all these instructions?

  2. Hello Room 9,

    I love your Keeping Ourselves Safe puppet videos. They are all very unique and very interesting. It must of taken you a long time and lots effort to make these amazing videos. You got across to the audience very well on how to Keep Ourselves Safe.

    What did you learn from making these Keeping Ourselves Safe Videos?

  3. Hi Room 9,
    I love your Keeping Ourselves Safe puppet videos. Each one was very unique and interesting.I think these videos are marvellous!All of these videos tell me alot about how to keep ourselves safe.You must of put alot of effort and time to make these special videos.It looks like you had alot of fun making these.

    How long did it take you to make these wonderful videos?
    What did you learn about Keeping Ourselves Safe?

    Wonderful work room 9,hope to see some more amazing work from you soon.
